Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pinkie's Return

Chapter 1. 5 months after Joel's death, Apple is stuck looking at pictures of him. Its 8:00 PM, and Apple has her big job tomorrow! She applied to be a Photographer at Snips N' Snaps. She has too get her beauty sleep. She reads some of her Book "Howls In The Wind" and watches TV. She finally feels tired and tries to get too sleep. She hears her bedroom door creak open, and she is freaked out. She gets up and closes it, and gets back in bed, mad she can't get comfortable again. Her lamp falls off her nightstand, she gets mad and freaks out.

Chapter 2. She feels like somebody just got into bed with her, she turns around and sees Joel. She screams but he shushes her. She silently screams, "What are you doing here?!" "I am a ghost, and I'm here so we can find Pinkie." says Joel. "She's probably enjoying her new life in Vegas." says Apple. "I want too see her, so tomorrow can we please go too Pony Flights and fly too Vegas too see her?" asks Joel. "Fine, but you owe me. Big Time." says Apple.

Chapter 3. Apple just got out of the shower, and she is ready too fly too Vegas. When she walks toward the door, Joel pops up, and it frightens her. They drive too the Airport and get on the plane. Once again, the pilot is Discord. 2 hours on the plane Apple falls asleep. Joel fell asleep too, but you wouldn't be able too see him cuz he's a ghost.

Chapter 4.  When its time too get off the plane, Joel gives Apple his phone so she can call Pinkie and ask her where she is. Apple takes Joel's phone and dials Pinkie's number. 765-123-5663
"Hello?" says Pinkie. "Hi Pinkie! Its Apple Fritter, and I'm calling you too ask you where you are, me and Joel are in Vegas. I forgot too tell you he passed away, I thought you wouldn't care because you live in Vegas now." "Then how is he with you? And I'm at WinnersCasino." says Pinkie. "He is a ghost. Don't ask how, but he just is." says Apple. "We are headed too the Casino, Bye!" "She's at the WinnersCasino." Apple tells Joel. "Lets go." They walk. After 30 minutes of walking they finally find the WinnerCasino.

Chapter 5. They meet up with Pinkie at the Poker Table. "Hi Pinkie!" says Apple hugging Pinkie. Joel appears and says Hi. Pinkie is frightened but then smiles and says hi back. "Do you want too play a game Joel?" asks Pinkie. "Sure Pinkie, Thanks." says Joel. Apple watches them play and after 25 minutes of watching Joel wins. "BUT HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY WIN?! YOU ARE A GHOST!!!" says Pinkie. She is furious. Joel takes off his glasses and says, "HOW COULD YOU FORGET ME?!" Apple tells Joel too calm down. Joel says Ok. Pinkie doesn't even care about anyone anymore. Thats the day it all went down.

Apple Fritter
Pinkie Pie
Apple Fritter

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